
“Love shows itself more in adversity, rather than in prosperity; as light does, which shines most where the place is darkest”

To be an artist/creative in the Southwest requires a certain level of dedication. The creative world certainly holds no guarantees that there will be an exorbitant return on investment and even so the creatives of the world do what they do because they have the passion to do so and cannot ignore their heart and soul’s pull towards creation. The inspiration that an artist draws upon is immediately released back through their art/craft.

One such artist/producer and all around renaissance man is known as Petrichor. A studio lab genius alongside well known producer/sound engineer/battle rapper/artist St. Nobody. The two work together at Star City Studios and happen to help others make the most out of their music. To be a creator with many talents it would only make sense to be in the presence of other notable artists.

Petrichor is well known in his city of El Paso, Texas, but also well known in the Southwest hip hop community. He can speak multiple languages and has an exceptional taste in music and ear for it as well. His range and style is eclectic, versatile and wild. You can find his work on Petrichor and you can catch him in the studio making hits. The artist, the man, the creator seeks to work with other talented artists who share a similar vision with their music.

Make sure to follow his work on all platforms


