Ride My Wave
“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be”
Hip hop creatives are in constant practice of new age thought techniques. An artist envisions their entire persona as they feel it and manifest it to be. They put thoughts out into the ether to not become but to be who they are honestly in addition to their outward presentation. This practice of manifestation and selection is what all of the most powerful and iconic figures of hip hop already practice and the artists that practice this daily become those powerful and iconic figures themselves.
Genevieve Zamora is that same figure. She is an active participant in creating her artist self in her music while simultaneously being that person in business and in hip hop culture. She can be found at Southern Royalty Studios in Albuquerque, New Mexico and constantly working to create the scene that exists in the city and State. Her latest track Ride My Wave is an example not only of her lyrical ability, her singing ability but an honest representation of her life story that just happens to be a song you can say has replay value. The track features a male rapper named DJ No Kaos Summerrville and his style is complimentary to hers and she works well with his verse on the track. The production, lyrical content and the track in general is something refreshing for the city of Albuquerque and the entire region of the Southwest. Check out the latest here!