Benji Reckless Vs Dallas Cash

Benji Reckless vs Dallas Cash

This battle is the latest from Benji Reckless on IBattleTV. This battle against Dallas Cash shows a level of craftsmanship in his writing, his performance and highlights his strong suits. Benji Reckless has made a large amount of appearances on IBattleTV and each consecutive battle of his on the league always shows a level of evolution. This particular battle Benji shows out his writing. Out the gate Benji Reckless shows some humor, then develops into a guns bars. Benji’s performance matches his writing and the energy level is solid for his opponent who is currently a KOTD Season 1 contender. Benji shakes the building by calling the contender a dollar store Sha, and plays off that for bit and keeps the audiences attention with bar after bar after dropping the humor to capture the room.

Dallas Cash starts in calm, collected with rhymes that develop into a nice start of his performance to announce his entry to the room. His volume gets higher and his bars get more aggressive. This battle shows great care in placement of opponents. The two approaches going up against each other and the writing from each battler is some of each battlers nicest work. Dallas announces the off limits aspects of his personal life and takes shots at Benji’s personal after stating he doesn’t give a fuck about it.

With Benji’s personality it would only make sense that he would clap back with personals about Dallas Cash’s wife and push the envelope by bringing humor into his bars that bring the house down each time he lands punches. The entire battle is a back and forth between the two. Check the battle out today and make the call who took it!