
“First they ignore you, then they laugh. at you, then they fight you, then you win”

The music industry can feel like an uphill battle, a struggle, obstacle after obstacle and it very often can leave those who pursue a life in the industry bruised and battered. The music industry is cutthroat, a fight, a difficult process reserved for those who truly love their craft and are willing to let their art consume them and their lives. This does not sound all too pleasant but as dark as the depths can be the light that shines on creators is as starkly contrasting. The heights that can be achieved and the accolades received are something that a creator lives for. That moment of when the music that is running through your psyche, bleeds into your dreams, runs through your veins and ultimately materializes into a fully realized record becomes recognized is everything. When a person or entity realizes the music is something they relate to is a holy moment.

The artist who is spoken of here is Knixxen Out. His latest track and video is Fight. The track features Opposite I and is a well presented video/song that helps a listener/viewer understand this process of artistic creation and the never ending struggle that is art. The lyrical content, production and singing all blend together with ease and with a nicely developed aesthetic. This artist hails from Alberta, Canada and their dedication to their craft transcends borders and reaches all the way to this humble Southwest region. Check out the artists latest video, track and their full catalog. Show some love for our Canadian brethren in hip hop and as always support great art!