
“I faded away for a while out of necessity”

Sometimes it is needed to fade out of a situation, find the nearest exit and make a new way. Fading out doesn’t have to be a negative thing. It could be a self care thing. It could be a way to protect the self and to dim the light in a situation that needs a little less attention. In music, a song that focuses on this concept is by JMak.

The track is titled Fading and it is catchy. Having a chorus/hook with this level of catchiness really drives the audience to listen again. The hook isn’t the only thing that adds replay value, the production fits the vibe of the song and the writing is relatable as well. Together these aspects make the project a solid piece of work by JMak. You can catch Fading here exclusively and you can also tap into the entire catalog to hear more music by the artist with a similar vibe. Don’t miss on this artists work and tap into the dope music that New Mexico has to offer. Make sure you hit the like, save, follow, subscribe buttons. Support NM art!