
“The perfect antidote to dark, cold and creepy is light warm and cozy”

Homogenization of music is a long standing issue. It likely started with the music industry seeking to create hit after hit in order to keep coffers full and labels paid. What it has done to music is create little variation. Listeners are now tasked with finding worthy music to listen to. What it has done for those who consume music is leave us with less soul, meaning, value in the music we consume. Everything kind of melds together in this awful amalgam of bad and worse. When the music industry presents us with such low value music it is our duty to resist and listen to music with heart, soul and passion.

Cozy by Rylan Oz presents listeners with that. The bouncy melody is an instant refreshing snapshot of what music can be. The lyrics are catchy and the style is unlike anything else in the State of New Mexico. The style from this artist is one of the most original styles in the entire region of the Southwest. You can catch the unorthodox music and style from Rylan Oz here and do yourself the favor and check out his entire catalog as it is all different and completely unlike the music clones of today. One of the most exciting aspects of Rylan Oz’s catalog is that his range is exceptional. He can rhyme like he does on Cozy and then he can explore the depths of heavy genre bending sounds like the album of his K!llM3. You owe it to yourself to expand your horizons and listen to music that is not force fed to you.

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