“Your problem is to bridge the gap which exists between where you are and the goal you intend to reach”

Understanding people across cultures is no easy task. However, one language transcends all geographical differences, all regional dialects. That language is music and when the music is bilingual it has even more opportunity to change perspectives, change culture and help people understand each other.

The music being spoke about is T.O.G. a group with the recent drop of their album that is self-titled T.O.G. It has a mix of English and Spanish flows and the cadence and lyrical ability is displayed well in both languages. The production sounds like New Mexico and not in the stereotypical way but rather in a way that exhibits that Southwest vibe but with a boom bap/golden era sound as well. Every track is a display of lyrical prowess. The project also features notable artists in the Southwest such as Xilla, Alexx Cloud, ET NevaChange, Riv Dog and Spiffy Davis.

Check out the project here and make sure to follow, save, like, comment and share their work and support the homies one time for New Mexico.