9 Lives

“A cat has 9 lives, for three he plays, for three he strays, for the last three he stays”

Music without rules is an ultimate goal. This shows that the artist is beholden to no one but their own self expression. Music with this resistance to the industry, boxes, labels and typecasting is the type of music that changes with mood, changes with inspiration and all around creates a unique listener experience.

Infina is that group with this lack of respect of the rules meant to control art. Check out their latest track 9 Lives. This track is NuMetal, punk with a solid rap/hip hop influence. They create music that something to be played loud and with an energy that would be wild at a live show. Make sure to check out 9 Lives featuring Krazy Kasper and Clifton Derrell but stay for the full catalog and see why the independent realm of music is much more varied, and never ever stale.