
“Let go of the past but keep the lessons it taught you"

In a profession where honesty is expected it is still surprising and and amazing when you come across it in earnest. Hip Hop is supposed to be a genre of music of true tales and cathartic release from an overwhelming environment, yet the industry and the fans potentially have changed it into another branding opportunity of mindless entertainment. The current world of music celebrates inauthentic artists and does not expect truth from them the way it ought to. However, if you dig you will find gems, you just have to know where to mine.

Gilly Soul is that type of artist that puts hip hop into the realm of honesty again. It is refreshing and a sight to see when he puts his lyrics to the beat. His latest track Anchored is a welcome return to all of the aspects of hip hop that make it different than other forms of music and for that it is a great work. Listen to Gilly Soul as he puts his mind and mood into a vibe on track.