“Knowing is not enough, we must apply”

The use of rhythm, cadence and the composition of the music on this track creates this vibe that is heavy. The balance of feminine and masculine vocals on this track creates a passionate vibe and the two artists create great music together. The artists being spoke about are Modest and Dreamor. Dreamor puts her spin on the track with breathy vocals and bars. The chorus is catchy and with both her and Modest it creates a whole melodic vibe.

These two artists are both solid and great in their own right. Together this track is definitely a nice milestone in their careers. It shows their ability to vibe and record with another artist to create harmonic and dynamic sound without sacrificing either artists style or strengths. Both are well known Albuquerque artists who you should definitely support, if you don’t know them , welcome to their latest work.

Check the song below and both of their catalogs.