Tea Leaves

“A cup of tea is a cup of peace.”

The internet has become such a powerful tool. The ability for music to be found and spread purely through the energy of social media is a great time for musicians, despite all other current challenges that exist. Even so, with a well placed track with a good social media presence can make all the difference. This track was found through tiktok and has been in rotation ever since. Not only does this track have a great presence and energy around it, it has soul and with that it makes the music travel that much further.

The track being mentioned is Tea Leaves by N!c. This artist N!c has great writing, but also a catchy melody. His catalog is equally as interesting. He has a good range in songwriting and his vocals are on point. This song has the power to make him a household name. Show love to the artist and take a listen for yourself and see what you think, does it sound good, is the mix nice, do you get the comment about soul? If it is something you dig make sure to support the artist and check out his catalog of music, like, share, save, follow, subscribe. All of these things support artists greatly. Check out the song Tea Leaves and all the rest of what the artist has on his profile! Click the artist name below to follow him on Instagram.
