Just Me

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment”

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment”

Music creation is such a varied experience. The artists from the same city, state and region can all have very different lives and experiences and the richness in the culture in this region has a tendency to produce very original approaches to the same genre. Hip hop in the State of New Mexico has a large range. There are individuals who have moved here and make music inspired by their backgrounds and hometowns but with the New Mexico influence. This is one of those artists.

His name is E.Linculn and his latest project Just Me has a well produced track list and an energy that is Detroit heavy. You can hear the influence in the rhyme patterns and writing, it creates a very unique experience in which E.Linculn gives the hip hop world a step away from the mainstream and creates a lane all his own.

Check out Just Me exclusively here and make sure to drop a like, comment, follow, share to support Hip Hop!